Tuesday, November 10, 2015

hi everybody , in this post i gonna tell you about one photo has be took by my friend Barbara, this photo was take at november 2012 during one activity of the Brigadas Territoriales Uchile one initiative of students of different faculties of the university who that work teach and show the diferents degrees and like conect this with the everyday problems at home .
i like this photo because show how i think must be the teach in the university in contact whit the people , at service of the people only in this form we can chance the mentality of individualism in the studients

1 comment:

  1. Is nice work you did with the Brigadas territoriales UChile, I imagine it must be very rewarding. I remember when we work together teaching children at risk populations to see a different world with photographyc camera, excellent initiative! I would have liked to see the picture!
